(30 months +)
Ratio of 1:8
Group size of 16 or 24

Many age appropriate opportunities throughout the day are provided to enhance cognitive, language, social/emotional and physical development. Daily plans provide a wide variety of activities for using language during both free play and group times. Educators encourage expressive language throughout the day; taking every opportunity to verbally expand on ideas presented by the children.
For example, the Educator will add more information and ask questions to encourage the children to reason throughout the day, using actual events and experiences as a basis for concept (reasoning) development. For example, children learn about sequence by talking about their experiences in the daily routine, or recalling the sequence of a cooking or science project.
The programme emphasizes social development as being one of the most important stages of development. The educators encourage the children to take turns, respect others, and learn to interact with individuals and groups. They learn to choose friends and to be chosen. The programme provides opportunities for the children to grow in self-direction and independence. Overall programming is implemented in such a way that challenges the children's intellectual powers. They are encouraged to think, reason, remember, and experiment.
The primary aim of our programme is to provide an environment where children can feel joyful about learning; setting the stage for positive experiences in their educational life.
The children enjoy many activities, including:
Science, Math, Engineering, Technology and Art Exploration
Outdoor Education
Special Visitors (Reptile/bug experts, Children Entertainers and more!)
Special Activities/Events
Yoga, Music & Movement (with trained instructor)
Indoor and Outdoor Gross Motor Activities
Sensory Exploration (sand, water, clay etc.)
Drama, Puppetry and Stories